Listen to every known master recording of the Tiffany Transcription online for free.
The Country Music Hall of Fame has put on line their transfers of every know Tiffany Transcription master for free right here at this link. These do not include the sessions where the masters are missing. This is a chance to here most of the Tiffany Transcriptions that have never been issued. We look forward […]
Remodel and Restore
This web site has been off line for some time but in order to keep the information available, we’ve partially re-opened. During this time some pages will be off line. Some pages are still being worked on but are on-line, they may even change before your very eyes.. If you sharp eyed readers find any […]
About the Tiffany Transcriptions
The Tiffany Transcriptions, recorded in San Francisco between 1946 and 1947 are some of the most revered recordings, of any type of music, ever made. The Tiffany Transcriptions were designed to be pre-recorded (transcribed) radio shows of Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys, hosted locally by radio stations across America. This website tells the history […]